For this Halloween we brought Geoffrey. He's the house Halloween lantern of terrifying doom. As you can tell we went all out with the decorations......we have no actual pumpkin like we did last year, he was also called Geoffrey....

So I guess our lantern will have to be Geoffrey 2....
We had been invited to our lovely friend Lee Kettle's Halloween party so me, Liam and Aaron glammed up for that while Dannie and Joel got ready to go to the student lounge for scary movies and wasted gored up students.
Dannie went goth for the night, looking sexeh.....
Joel went for the classic.... 'I'M A WEREWOLF'.
Liam went as a Zombie Jock, lots of acrylic paint and liquid eye-liner helped to complete the look, along with a £3 American football from the sports shop, and hazah, you have a dead American football guy......
I went for the zombie look to, zombie pin-up girl style....
However the house award for best dressed student of the night goes to.....
Dun Dun Dun...
The Cranfield!!
This is Aaron beavering away and letting his arty side out, preparing his outfit...
Aarons 'Money, success, fame, glamour' shirt was for his Michael Alig, Clubkids costume....
In other words this guy...

Michael Alig is the co-founding member of the Club Kids, a group of young clubgoers led by long time best friend James St. James and Alig in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In 1996 Alig was convicted of the murder of Andre "Angel" Melendez in a confrontation over a drug debt.
After an hour and a half of face painting and giving himself a whole new haircut the result was impressive...
The evening was pretty awesome, vodka, wine and gin fuled sexy dancing/falling on your ass. We had an incident of spilling fake vampire blood and tying to mop it up with the spiders webbing, which was copiously hanging from the all doorways, ceilings and everyone's hair.
All thirty odd students got nicely smashed and I amused myself with stuffing fake bugs and skeletons down my bra. When we all managed to get back, Dannie and Joel were home with a few others, everything was very blurry by this point.
I then managed to run into the stairs and graze/bruise myself but couldn't tell under all the fake blood. Liam was copiously sick in the bathroom from an overdose of vodka and Time-warping but everyone else mostly seemed to avoid the drunken disasters.
It was a pretty cool Halloween, all round rating of awesome = 7/10
Happy Halloween!