Joel Whitehouse


"Ummmm I still suck my thumb!"

Indeed Joel does......its actually very cute

"I'm actually four penguins in a man suit"

Joel is a second year law student, I lived with Joel is Clarice cliff halls last year and we spent a week sellotaping kitchen appliances to the ceiling:

Oh and our flatmate, Jame's shoes ;)

We also went to TkMax quite a lot to buy 'Marshmallow Fluff', an invention which we discovered that is like chocolate spread....but strawberry flavoured....and probably contains 200x the E-numbers and chemicals, the fact that its sold in TKMax is bad enough. Fluff on toast was pretty darn good though.

So yeah Joels awesome, he knows an impressive amount about World of warcraft, so yeah....MEGA geek, and law of course and he makes cat noises a lot, I think hes part cat. An awesome cat.

Joel made a pretty awesome Zombie at our Stoke Zombie walk in May 2010

Check out the video and try and spot, Joel, Dannie, Aaron, Liam and myself: