We are second year students and this is our page!
We all go to Staffordshire University in Stoke-On-Trent.
This is our house....
We moved in on September 22nd 2010 and this is our first year without parents, flat cleaners, security guards, generally any help of any sorts. Our landlady resides in Belgium so were basically by ourselves!
We have all the wonderful University experiences such as...
1. Loan liquidation on all the important things......
Space hoppers!
2. Learning to cook, near food poisoning, keeping the local Subway/Chinese/fish and chip in business....
3. Being horribly struck down with student flu and weeping because your mum isn't here....
4. The horrible realisation that not only are you sat in your lecture still drunk but that the night before you slurred excitedly at people you didn't know, vomited but you can't remember where,
and dear god you looked like this at some point during the night....
But of course at the time everything was nice and blurry and you were emitting wit and charm from every alcohol filled pour.....
And of course in-between all that, especially in second year.....
5. You have to produce coherent and relatively knowledgeable assignments!
Like blogs!
House82 blog in the baby stages...
So yes this is our house and this is our blog of antics!