Sunday, 31 October 2010


Today has started with my rushing back from the good old home town of Hemel Hempstead where I visited for the weekend. As soon as I got back in the front door everything was still buzzing, Dannie and Joel were busy making a spontaneity sponge cake with our friend Tom.....


House 82 guide to baking

Step 1.

Whisk all of you eggs, we needed 12 apparently, In hindsight I can recommend you never need as many as 12 eggs, no matter what the recipe says!!!

Preheat oven to 180C or Gas mark 4, make sure its hot really.
Mix up your the butter and sugar until its nice and smooth, then gradually beat the mass amount of eggs.....

Step 2

Sift the flour and fold into the mixture
Dannie forgot this step so we had a bit of a lumpy mixture BUT not to worry, it will not explode from lumpiness, it still works.....

Step 3.

Whisk all ya bits up and get a ginger person, or a Liam, to pretend to vomit into your mixture.....

Step 4.

Pour you wonderful godlike mixture into a cooking dish.....

Step 5.

Pop it in a nicely hot oven for round about 20 mins

AND THEN......

Once its cooled....and been fairly evenly sliced up.....


As demonstrated by Liam.....

Our first cake attempt

Cake bake was a general success, if you like eggs. Lesson of the day, 12 eggs are way to many for one cake, instead of a Victoria sponge, we succeeded in making egg cake!

1. Aaron's verdict "It smells like semen"

2. Joels verdict "I like our egg cake"

3. Dannies verdict "Its nice with squeezy chocolate stuff"

4. Liam is now napping but seemed to enjoy the egg cake

5. Me "Its like eggy bread/Victoria sponge.....Its all good" time to get covered in fake blood for halloween horror gore,


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