The wine lead to this.....

Jack, Georgii, Dannie, Liam, Josh, Joel
?? Typical student behaviour, "Yay I'm drunk...lets play dress-up!"
?? Typical student behaviour, "Yay I'm drunk...lets play dress-up!"
The guys decided to play boy-band.....I think they should be named
Aaron and the sparkles....

Stu, Josh, Jack, Aaron
Me and Liam get the groove on....

Georgii Durp'in....
Your never to old for toy guns and fancy dress...
Your never to male for heels and a booty pose....

Don't distress general public....its only Joel....not a cyber-man..
.....yeah bet you were fooled....
As you can probably tell we had fun last night. This is one of the few times you can dress in drag, dance to cheesy songs and semi get away with it.....until someone blogs it the next day and you realise how moronic you must have looked....but god it was fun :D