Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Student Stress!

2 weeks left and assignments are due.....

Joels spent 2 weeks planning his essay and two days piling through law books and typing it up...

Liams been bouncing in between drama rehearsals and drama society for hours on end and occasionally pops home for a slice of toast....

Liam "I'm stressed out, I have a show on Sunday and I don't know if its going to work and I don't know if people know there choreography, or there harmonies and, and, and, (DRAMATIC PAUSE) I'm going to be drunk when this show happens...." - Liam.

This is what stress does to a student.

Aarons been dwelling in the fine art studio drawing and things....

And I've been trying not to hyper ventilate whilst panicking about video packages, news stories and law exams....and all this constant panic leads to the inevitable lack of my ability to actually work!

Stressful times at the moment and everyone's feeling it. So when everyone was out I decided to let off some steam.....I literally stood in the middle of the living room and did this......

I think its healthy to have a good scream once in a while, let it all out, have a private little rage....

It did kind of help, I took a big sigh and although, seemingly, hadn't achieved anything, I personally felt better......

still have a load of work to do though so maybe not so helpful in that respect....

But sometimes you have to have a moment to breath and realise that's its not the end of the world, and if your killing yourself with stress.....well where's the fun in that?

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