Sunday, 21 November 2010

Student House Party!

So our dear friend Katy Mcewan had a get together. Her and Aaron live together just down the road from us at number 30.

Aaron was a bit reluctant as the previous night his third house-mate, Ben Bradly decided to drunkenly collapse through the shower door and fill there bath with glass. So there bathroom was pretty messed up last night but, hey, nothing stops Katy having a party.

So at about 10 we went.....

Heres Liam and Aaron. Soon after we arrived.

Me and Liam popped to spar, two bottle of wine....£3 each.....

Lesson learned.....don't drink £3 wine.

verdict: Vile.

Horrific intoxication.
Possible blindness.

And pose.....

This is me with Ross. He has lovely hairy face in tribute to November, the month of the man beard. Or in Ross's case, the Man-Tash! Also known as Movember! Even though Novemstache sounds better.....


Here are more people...

Here is Nicole, Katy and Westie.....

All beautifully alcohol induced....

This is the stage of the party where pictures of peoples legs and arses will be the hight of your photographic skills due to fucked balance and vision......dam you £3 'wine'!

This is the stage where everyone dances and thinks there awesome.....

Katy found Offspring and Cee lo Green...
Aaron filled the speakers with drum and bass...

I don't really know why this happened.....

This is Westie.....

the focus in his eyes is amazing...

Liam left the party early after getting a tummy ache from the dreaded, so-called, 'wine'.

Aaron managed to get his bag and work shoes from his house, walked home to ours, successfully undressed, bounced around appearing to be relativity sober..... true graceful Aaron fashion ran to the bathroom, bouncing off the walls drunkly as he did......sat on the toilet (to drunk to stand up and piss) ....and threw up copiously into the sink....

and on the floor...


I bounced into the house, claiming to be sober as the pope and then harassed Dannie with my camera......

Yeah I was wasted.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Student quote of the day!

(Liam wrapped up in a white blanket on the sofa)

Liam: "Jess what do I look like?"

Jess: "A Poo"

Liam: "Jess! I look like one of 'em white poo's thats dogs do and no-one knows how!"

Student Chilidren in need!

Recently our house has been a bit all over the place so we haven't done anything big for Children in need. However the student ember lounge has been taking donations and I think everyone's managed at least a quid or so. Well Joel managed 20p but as Tess Daly kept on repeating last night, every little counts! Dig deep!

Liam and Aaron did there bit in alcohol induced style......student charity face painting!

Liam = Rabbit

Aaron = Bear....?

Apart from Aaron being unimpressed at his likeness to a bear they both looked pretty cute. And hey, its for charity!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Student Mould!

Being the middle of November and being located relatively Northwards in Stoke-on-Trent means one thing.

1. Its bloody cold.

Being bloody cold means two things....
1. You make jokes about buying thermal underwear but in the back of your head you are seriously considering the wondrous possibility.
2. You don't want to do anything that involves leaving the house or moving from the warm fort of duvets and hot water bottles that you've constructed.

However being a full time student with you know, work and stuff, means you have to leave your bed.....

and hop into the loverly warm shower oh laaa.....

See look how happy this woman is.......probably to happy....she may be drugged....

But anyway its not so good when you hop into the loverly warm shower and....

MOULD! Oh lovely.

Oh look there's some more!

And on the ceiling! Glorious.

The spore army infested our bathroom for a couple of weeks as everyone had more important things to think about than green walls. Still it was pretty unpleasant.

SO......Liam and me went on a house clean out.
AND......Liam, (the one allergic to penicillin and vulnerable to a mould reaction)...cleaned the mould!? made sense at the time. He seems fine for now.....

Our walls are now less furry and generally less green :D

Which is pretty nice. But now after we shower we have to leave the window open to help curve the reappearance of green....which has its downsides of......its still fucking cold.

So everyone's flying out of the shower to there bedrooms half towelled and shivering.....

Ah winter!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Student distractions from real work.....

Yeah its a little sick torturing cartoon gerbils and frogs, but its better than doing the real thing right???

Fancy seeing the combination of a bad mouthed gerbil and some hungry-arse piranhas?

Ever wanted to blend an annoying frog without the hideous immoral implications?

That gerbils still a pretty annoying little bugger, fancy nuc-ing him in a microwave?

Ah good old, full of wonderfully stupid distractions to stop the slightest possibility of anything productive coming of your day. Awesome.

Student Cocktail Nights!!!

When its so cold that you can see your breath whilst sat in the living room and you can't feel your limbs from numbness, despite the mittens, this can make life a bit depressing. Not to mention it really puts you off partying, the idea of tottering around in a skirt and heels sounds like hell. And last night it took everyone a lot to get in the mood to brave the icy wind and leave the house. But, eventually, we all piled into ember lounge and found a pretty good cure for the cold.

Fancy warming up? Get some cocktails inside ya........

Above we have:

A pitcher of gold-slick and some other deadly substances
Cherry brandy
Some cheeky pints of strongbow.

OK so we didn't stick strictly to cocktails but the affect was pretty good.....

Liam, Aaron and me got major giggles after a naughty conversation about sea life and porpoises, which of course made sense at the time, all the giggles and brandy led to severe queasiness.....

Then we had a derp-face competition.....

Georgii's strangely large tongue....

Katy's sexy fail....

Aarons stroke.....

My contorted ass-face.....

Liams....."Biatchhhh at choo". (After this he went into 'Tyra Banks' mode for 2 hours)

All Inexcusably Hideous.....


We all needed this night out, it took us a while to get there between being depressed at how little we go out any more and tearing our hair out at the lack of motivation to do anything about it......not to mention what to wear. It took me a lot to get out of my comfy hoody and into some bloody heels.....

A good time was had by all.....

To's Cranfields excitement over a cigarette.....

Aaah alcohol makes everything in life so bloody amusing......

Wouldn't change them for the world


Monday, 8 November 2010

Students Plays- Blue remembered hills.

Liam Waterhouse, being the dramatic little thing that he is, is currently studying drama, makes sense. And coming up this Thursday and Friday, for two nights only folks the drama lot are preforming the play, Blue remembered hills. Liam asked to be interviewed on the play and for me to blog it, so I did.

So Liam stuck on Pixie Lott after declaring, "I like it because it uses disco chords" and we migrated to my bedroom so he could 'smoke and be all dramatic' as he put it.

Liam's Interview

Liam: "Where's the ash tray?" he declared in a rustic actors voice. Moments later, ashtray found, ciggies lit and the interview began....

Moi: "So my love, what's your play about?"

Liam: "Its all about childhood, how we grow up how children are cruel and its also about a character who likes setting things on fire and gets hideously burnt alive at the end of the play, you could somewhat say there's a beautiful irony also portrays the in humane cruelty of childish nature. What else would you like to ask me darling?" (full on actors mode here)

Moi: "How did you get into character?"

Liam: "Basically my characters a tormented soul so I did tormented a few cats, also crying hysterically in my room and banging into the walls did wonders for my character darling!"

(I wouldn't worry to much about any cats, Liam does like to over exaggerate little) this point Georgii came in, began rolling herself a cigarette and declared it was raining icicles outside.

Liam also declared also running out of nicotine and lit another cig.

Moi: "What's the best thing about your play?"

Liam: "Me.(Giggles) Basically all the bits I am in are brilliant then it dips and little when I'm not in it, like the sea, its dips and gets better and dips again, like a massive waveeeee."

Me: "Oh Liam. Anything else to conclude..."

Liam: "See my play, my play is Blue remembered hills, you should remember Liam..."

He then shook my hand and bounced out of the room and up the stairs to shower....

Me: "Oh Liam".

So yes, the Drama lot are ready and raring to preform there play 'Blue remembered Hills', first performance on Thursday night and if you miss that why not go Friday? And its free!

If you don't like plays how could you resist this......

Anyway now its time for cocktails. Adios!

Were currently working our way through the classic Studio Ghibli animations. Studio Ghibli have created some of the most famous and beautiful Japanese films, some of which have received the Animage Anime Grand Prix award, including, Castle in the sky, Spirited away and Kiki's delivery service.

The first studio Ghibli film we watched was.....

My Neighbour Totoro

I loved this anime, Totoro seems to be an odd mix of a rabbit, owl, bear and cat and is the kind of thing you want to find living under your bed.

The story focuses on two young girls and there father struggling through there mothers illnes whilst trying to adjust in a new home, to add to that they discover Totoro and the forest spirits walking around with little parasols and growing enormous tree's out of nothing.

This film also has a Catbus, a large Cheshire cat type creation with caterpillar legs and the ability to bounce over lakes and forests, pretty cool, kinda scary....but also awesome...

Click to watch

We watched 'My neighbour Totoro' using Aarons projector and our living room wall. Aaron made dinner and we all sat on the carpet and enjoyed anime and spicy chilli. This made a change and we all loved the film so the next night we watched another Studio Ghilbli film.....

Princess Mononoke

This film is genuinely (had mega mind blank on how to spell genuinely, Liam suggested 'genuenly', oh my days)........anyway genuinely beautiful film. It portrays a very surreal battle between man and nature and, yes I nearly did cry.

These eerie little things are tree spirits, they move like bobble heads on LSD and there bloody cute.

This film is amazing, visually stunning and touching. I recommend it if your in a tranquil, naturalistic frame of mind.

click to watch

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Student Derp

Urban Dictionary:

derp2595 up, 209 down
A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest apperance at South Park Elementary as the chef for a day, followed by hitting himself in the head with a hammer and exclaiming "Derp!"
I am t0tally c00l3r than 7u n00bs.


derp908 up, 635 down
Sound the Pokemon Bidoof makes.
Pikachu: Pika pika!
Bidoof: Derp.

derp397 up, 150 down
1: The word that describes a particularly retarded face: A retarded smile, and the eyes pointing in different directions.

2: A word merely used as filler
1: Used in a picture (let's use the megaman image just for the hell of it), derp is the quintessential word for itself. 'Nuff said.

2: Person 1: "So... I'm bored"

*5 minutes later*

Person 1: "Derp..."

Person 2: "Yeah"

derp329 up, 127 down
A word used after a stupid joke, or stupid slapstick. It was first used in the South Park episode "The Succubus," but popularized by later episodes. Commonly used to refer to jokes in Rob Schneider movies.
Rob Schneider derp da derp! Then, derp da derp ta tittily tum.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Student flu.....

On your left, the look of the suffering student....

"Heeelp me"

Everyone gets colds, bugs and generally feels shit once in a while but being a student with all the partying, cheap vodka, lack of sleep and stressing to the extreme you will also have your time taken up with a thing called “Student flu”.

To tackle this issue we have a well stocked up cupboard, when everyone started to get sore throats and that ominous groggy stuffed head it was time for Lemsip!

University is generally full of health hazards, alcohol poisoning, chlamydia, insanity, the usual...

When it comes to getting ill its going to happen, curl up with a duvet and as many types of painkillers that you can ingest without over dosing. If your going to go to your lectures, go for it but remember your going be infecting everyone else around you and aren't likely to absorb much knowledge.

When your feeling like a pneumatic drill is crunching at you head and like your brain is about to drip down though you nose, lets face it your bed is so much more appealing, email your lecturer, tell them all about how your on your death bed, snuggle up and take a personal day.


Over enthusiasm derrrrrp!

She's going to kill me for this one.



The staple diet of hairy builders, festival campes and idol students. Today me and Dannie decided to go for the lazy stereotype and King it up with pot noodle munch....

As you can tell I was enthusiastic about this pot noodle, I haven't had a proper, bad man chow down on one since Reading festival. We went for the classic chicken and noodle.....

Me and Dannie had a bit of a 'derp' whilst debating with the guys about following pot noodle instructions. They laughed at us for bothering to read them and I pointed out that you should probably follow the instructions otherwise someone silly might put it in the microwave, Dannie agreed......then the guys laughed more and pointed out that its perfectly fine to microwave a pot noodle and lots of people do it.....

Pot Noodle munching was good, pouring the leftovers down the drain was not so good.....

Sink water, noodle clog was not pretty.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Gibbons pensioner impression. She has a talented face.

Students Mexican cuisine!

Its hard sometimes being a student because you live in an odd time scale of late nights, breakfast at three in the afternoon and pot noodles for dinner at 1 in the morning. So its nice when we can all get together and have dinner, we try and do this as often as possible, I know other students who live off take-away or anything freezable but its nice to have a warm healthy home cooked meal once in a while.

Tonight Dannie and Joel made there speciality, Burritos, yummy times. Joel made his carnivore version packed with mince and Dannie provided the veggie option for her and Aaron, which was also nom.

1. Slap your wrap with salsa sauce
2. Fill your salsa covered wrap with Burrito filling
3. Cover in a generous amount of cheese and grill until the cheese melts
4. Wrap it up and nom it down quick

Repeat until full.

For full Mexican effect add:
1. Poncho
2. Tequila (not recommended during cooking)
3. Sombrero, comically oversized
4. Fake moustache

Like This: CLICK!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Rat infested students!

This is our little garden. It inhabits a bench with a broken seat, cleverly repaired with ply wood planks, lots of unknown plants/weeds/small trees, a washing line, beer tankards for our cigarette ends and a few chairs, nothing glamorous.

However we have another addition to our garden, as Liam has aptly named him.....Roland

That isn't actually Roland, I haven't been able to snap a shot of him yet and thank god he not actually the size of Aaron. Roland has been around since week 1 but haven't seen him for a while and thought he might have moved off to feast on someone else's leftover dominoes pizza but oh no, this morning we found that Roland had been pretty busy with one of Joel's old cardboard box's.....

Our theory is that he's attempting to make a Rat fortress, with cardboard turrets a bin water moat and garlic dip pot helmets for his rat army.

Were pretty sure war will be raged, mini rat cannons will be fired, whiskers and tails will be lost.

Either that or we've inadvertently given Roland the perfect rat nest and were going to be infested with baby rats by next week........

No one seems to bothered, we will probably stick the box in someone else's bin later, by the cover of dark, either that or just avoid the garden for the next two years.

Joel quote: "You could be rat girl, appear and just spray rats everywhere!"

Students, Halloween hangovers!

When you wake up exhaling vodka mist and old smoke in a daze of utter confusion as to where you are, even though your in your boyfriends bed, you know its been a good night.

Dannie made everyone tea, coffee and hot chocolate's once we all dragged ourselves out of bed.

Joel and Dannie didn't suffer much and were pretty perky.....

Aaron, Me and Liam however looked a little more like death. Which ironically would have been a good look at the Halloween party the previous night.

Liam was up early to get his hair cut, its now a short back and sides for his play thats coming up in November. You can tell Liam wasn't feeling at his best this morning, let alone without the crack of dawn hair touch up....

Aaron was a pure grog face this morning.....

Katy popped over for ciggarettes and a Marmite sandwich....

Joel commenced his gaming on fable 3 in his pyjama's......

He then took a break for a cupp'a tea and an oddly shaped banana, which according to Joel would be like a potato if it were shorter. Joel did not stop gaming until about 12 in the evening.

Aaron was a wonderful man and brewed us all more mug fulls of tea.....

The hazy hangovers and lack of anything productive to do led to a lazy day of hot beverages and Marmite sandwich's. S'all good.