Sunday, 21 November 2010
Student House Party!
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Student quote of the day!
Student Chilidren in need!
Recently our house has been a bit all over the place so we haven't done anything big for Children in need. However the student ember lounge has been taking donations and I think everyone's managed at least a quid or so. Well Joel managed 20p but as Tess Daly kept on repeating last night, every little counts! Dig deep!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Student Mould!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Student distractions from real work.....
Student Cocktail Nights!!!
Monday, 8 November 2010
Students Plays- Blue remembered hills.
The first studio Ghibli film we watched was.....
My Neighbour Totoro
I loved this anime, Totoro seems to be an odd mix of a rabbit, owl, bear and cat and is the kind of thing you want to find living under your bed.
The story focuses on two young girls and there father struggling through there mothers illnes whilst trying to adjust in a new home, to add to that they discover Totoro and the forest spirits walking around with little parasols and growing enormous tree's out of nothing.
This film also has a Catbus, a large Cheshire cat type creation with caterpillar legs and the ability to bounce over lakes and forests, pretty cool, kinda scary....but also awesome...
We watched 'My neighbour Totoro' using Aarons projector and our living room wall. Aaron made dinner and we all sat on the carpet and enjoyed anime and spicy chilli. This made a change and we all loved the film so the next night we watched another Studio Ghilbli film.....
Princess Mononoke
This film is genuinely (had mega mind blank on how to spell genuinely, Liam suggested 'genuenly', oh my days)........anyway genuinely beautiful film. It portrays a very surreal battle between man and nature and, yes I nearly did cry.
These eerie little things are tree spirits, they move like bobble heads on LSD and there bloody cute.
This film is amazing, visually stunning and touching. I recommend it if your in a tranquil, naturalistic frame of mind.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Student Derp
derp | 2595 up, 209 down | |
A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest apperance at South Park Elementary as the chef for a day, followed by hitting himself in the head with a hammer and exclaiming "Derp!" I am t0tally c00l3r than 7u n00bs. Derp. |
derp | 397 up, 150 down | |
1: The word that describes a particularly retarded face: A retarded smile, and the eyes pointing in different directions. 2: A word merely used as filler 1: Used in a picture (let's use the megaman image just for the hell of it), derp is the quintessential word for itself. 'Nuff said. 2: Person 1: "So... I'm bored" *5 minutes later* Person 1: "Derp..." Person 2: "Yeah" |
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Student flu.....
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Students Mexican cuisine!
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Monday, 1 November 2010
Rat infested students!