So Liam stuck on Pixie Lott after declaring, "I like it because it uses disco chords" and we migrated to my bedroom so he could 'smoke and be all dramatic' as he put it.

Liam's Interview
Liam: "Where's the ash tray?" he declared in a rustic actors voice. Moments later, ashtray found, ciggies lit and the interview began....
Moi: "So my love, what's your play about?"
Liam: "Its all about childhood, how we grow up how children are cruel and its also about a character who likes setting things on fire and gets hideously burnt alive at the end of the play, you could somewhat say there's a beautiful irony also portrays the in humane cruelty of childish nature. What else would you like to ask me darling?" (full on actors mode here)
Moi: "How did you get into character?"
Liam: "Basically my characters a tormented soul so I did tormented a few cats, also crying hysterically in my room and banging into the walls did wonders for my character darling!"
(I wouldn't worry to much about any cats, Liam does like to over exaggerate little) this point Georgii came in, began rolling herself a cigarette and declared it was raining icicles outside.
Liam also declared also running out of nicotine and lit another cig.
Moi: "What's the best thing about your play?"
Liam: "Me.(Giggles) Basically all the bits I am in are brilliant then it dips and little when I'm not in it, like the sea, its dips and gets better and dips again, like a massive waveeeee."
Me: "Oh Liam. Anything else to conclude..."
Liam: "See my play, my play is Blue remembered hills, you should remember Liam..."
He then shook my hand and bounced out of the room and up the stairs to shower....
Me: "Oh Liam".
So yes, the Drama lot are ready and raring to preform there play 'Blue remembered Hills', first performance on Thursday night and if you miss that why not go Friday? And its free!
If you don't like plays how could you resist this......
Anyway now its time for cocktails. Adios!
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